Accessories, Jewellery, Tattoos and Piercings

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How do tattoo artists practice?

I've been wondering for a long time how to practice tattooing. Are there actually people who provide their skin for the first attempts of a...

Question | 1 Answer

Women have handbags. But where can men put their things?

Often I envy women for the possibility to take a handbag with them to store their things therein. Although women usually have much more things than...

Open Question | 7 Answers

Does Permanent-MakeUp last forever?

I am not very good at face painting myself and applying my own makeup. Nevertheless, I would like to have a quite good make-up always and every...

Question | 1 Answer

Is Permanent MakeUp a real Tattoo?

I am interested in the difference between permanent make up and a normal tattoo. Is there any difference at all or is permanent make-up just kind of...

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How long does Permanent-MakeUp last?

I am thinking of getting some permanent makeup. Now, I am wondering how long such a permanent make-up tattoo will remain and hold? Forever? Or only...

Question | 1 Answer

How to secretly find out the ring size of my girlfriend?

I would like to make my girlfriend a present of a ring for her birthday. When I was at the jeweler the salesman requires the ring size of my...

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New Answers and Comments

HardRocker: Do not worry, tattoo artists do not do their first attempts and exercises on human skin. Nobody then has to spend all his life walking around with...

Question | How do tattoo artists practice?

Mercator: Maybe a little tip from me: I usually do it this way: When I go shopping, I make sure that I get a plastic bag of sufficient size from any store...

Question | Women have handbags. But where can men put their things?

Anja Proggy: Then just take a handbag with you as a man!  I have nothing against it! Equal rights for all...

Question | Women have handbags. But where can men put their things?

YeahLife: I have a problem with my pants pockets somehow. Important papers crease there and cell phones get scratches (okay you can take covers, but this is...

Question | Women have handbags. But where can men put their things?

BartHelm: I always make sure that I have enough big pockets on my jacket and pants. I have actually stored everything there. The best in this respect were the...

Question | Women have handbags. But where can men put their things?

Superhero2012: The stuffed bag is a good idea when traveling around in town or something. But what if you go out?! For example, in the disco. Since I can not...

Question | Women have handbags. But where can men put their things?

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