00 Votes

Is Permanent MakeUp a real Tattoo?

Question by Guest | 2015-12-13 at 13:51

I am interested in the difference between permanent make up and a normal tattoo.

Is there any difference at all or is permanent make-up just kind of the usual tattoo with the only difference that it is not applied, for example, at the arm but in the face?

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Both, when applying permanent makeup as well as during tattooing, pigments are inserted into the skin and that deeper than the basal cell layer making the pigments remain permanently in the skin. According to this definition, conventional tattooing as well as permanent makeup is a tattoo.

However, there is a difference, that when tattooing, in most cases more color is used and the color is inserted deeper under your skin. So, during tattooing, the skin is often bleeding while usually this is not the case during applying permanent makeup.
2015-12-13 at 23:19

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