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Dragon Naturally Speaking: Disable System Commands - Only Dictate

Question by Guest | 2016-12-23 at 12:25

I am frequently using the application Dragon NaturallySpeaking for dictating long texts instead of typing them. I really love this program, it is quick and handy.

If there was not this problem: every time dictating a word that only rudimentary corresponds to any menu description or Windows function, this function is executed instead just writing the word. The question mark at the end of a sentence opens the help, the word "Start" opens the start menu, "View" or "File" the menu of the Editor and as if that were not enough, constantly dictated words are making Dragon to open all sorts of files stored at the desktop as soon as there is one word in the dictation that corresponds to the file name. This is annoying especially because I am often dictating computer and program descriptions and therefore, there are often such terms in my dictated texts.

How much would my work be easier, if I could just deactivate the voice control of the system! I have already checked the whole program function by function, but either in the Acccuracy Center nor in the Command Browser or in the general options I could find any option for switching off. How is it possible to develop such an amazing program but forgetting such a basic function? In my opinion, 99% of all users are only using this program for dictation and not for this stupid voice control.

Does someone know any trick? Is it possible to hack or crack this program somehow? It is becoming more and more annoying.

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Do not worry, you do not have to hack the application. I have also sought eternities until I have found the corresponding function. The developers have made a great job to veil them.

  1. Click on Words in the menu of your DragonBar
  2. Activate the option Dictation Mode

In Dictation Mode all system commands are disabled and the application is really doing what we have purchased it for. By default this option as set to the so-called "Normal Mode", in this mode everything is running mixed up.

Unfortunately, you have to select the Dictation Mode manually at each time you are starting Dragon Naturally Speaking again. However, this is much less cumbersome than always coming to arbitrary menus you do not want to.
2016-12-23 at 16:01

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00 Votes

Here is a small addition to my last post. Since then, Dragon has renamed the menus, but fortunately has not completely removed the features (like other software manufactures often do).

  1. The menu item of the Dragon bar is now called Modes
  2. Then you can select the Dictation Mode from the menu

Otherwise, all else remains old. If you are using an older version of the Dragon Bar, my old answer, of course, is still valid.
2018-03-15 at 23:31

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