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Enter five-digit Unicode Characters

Question by Mail Request | 2018-02-01 at 16:27

How can I enter 5-digit Unicodes? For example, 1F700 or 1F71D. All descriptions I have found on the Internet always only work for 4-digit Unicode characters.

I assume this is related to the UTF16 encryption of Windows. I do not think that it is because of fonts.

Could you possibly help me further?

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Where do you want to enter these characters? In HTML code you could just write 🜀 to insert the character. If you mean the ALT key method that can be used on Windows, it would be ALT + 128768. You need to convert the hexadecimal code 1F700 to the decimal code 128768 for that.

However, many programs support that ALT key input only from 0 to 255. For larger numbers, the remainder of the entered number (modulo) is taken so that only characters from this value range can be entered. Some programs may not even render "high" Unicode characters (regardless of how you type them in), so you'll need to pay attention to that.

In addition, the selected font must support the character to represent it. The font must contain a symbol (glyph) for the respective character (code point), otherwise you will either see nothing or just an empty box. So you might need a special font for your project.

Incidentally, in the Windows character table itself, you can not only see the existing characters (glyphs) of a font but also enter high Unicode codes with the ALT key.
2018-02-01 at 21:50

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00 Votes

Thank you very much. I've spent the entire evenings here for a whole week to find a solution. It was then due to the font, although that is different everywhere. (I had only tried fonts that were supposed to work). Arial Unicode MS should work, but it does not. It worked with Symbola. Thanks again and best regards!
2018-02-02 at 19:30

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