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File Renamer: Warning - Name is already used by existing file

Question by Mail Request | 2018-05-12 at 18:59

The first time I tried the tool FileRenamer I came across the problem that when I ran the Apply Changes command, I got the warning that renaming was not possible with the current settings, because renaming would cause files to get a new name that are is by an existing file.

The exact warning is:

Using your current settings, it is not possible to rename your added files or folders.

The result of applying your current settings would be that at least one file or folder would get a new name that is already in use by an existing file or folder.

Please change your settings.

Advice: The options in the menu "Settings > Numbering > Same-Named-Files" can help you to handle files with the same name.

I have dragged the files from some folders into the window of the File Renamer. I am therefore unaware that these file names are used by existing files or folders. Which settings do I have to change? Unfortunately, I have no idea which one to change.

1Best Answer1 Vote

When clicking the Apply Changes button, the program goes through all the files in the list and checks what name the files would get after being renamed.

The message you have addressed need not necessarily refer to existing files that are already existing on your hard drive. It can also arise if several files in your file list would have the same name after renaming. For example, if you only want to put the date in the filename and two files have the same date, these two files would have the same name after renaming and the message you mentioned would be displayed.

Presumably, you have chosen settings that would produce the same name for several files in the list. Unfortunately I can not tell you more about that, you would have to tell me which settings you made.

I hope I could help you.
2018-05-13 at 14:45

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