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Firefox: Keyboard shortcut to refresh the page

Question by Guest | 2013-12-09 at 22:33

Since the menu bar is no longer available in my Firefox browser, I do not remember which key combination you can use in order to update or refresh a website in the browser. In the past, I could always see the menu, where the key combination was written behind the corresponding menu entry.

So, can someone help me, what keyboard shortcut I can use to reload a page in the Firefox browser?

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First, let me say, that you can always show or hide the menu bar of the Firefox Browser by just pressing the ALT-Key on your keyboard.

  1. With the F5 key, you can refresh the page in all major browsers. Alternatively, in Firefox and some other browsers, you can also use CTRL + R.
  2. With using the key combination CTRL + F5 or CTRL + Shift + R, the current page is not only refreshed, but also overwritten and the cache.

Browsers are saving certain elements of the displayed websites (such as images) on your hard drive so that it is not necessary to constantly reload such things on each page request. This memory is called cache.

Overwriting the cache means, that not only the page is refreshed itself, but also all the files included in the page that may be located in the cache on the hard drive of your computer.
2013-12-11 at 22:06

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