00 Votes

Laptop: Call Monitor Settings via external Keyboard

Question by Guest | 2014-03-16 at 12:05

I am using my laptop with an external screen and an external keyboard. Unfortunately, this external keyboard does not have a key for switching the monitor output of the computer (laptop monitor, VGA output, HDMI output, display on both monitors and so on).

To show this monitor switching menu, I always have to go back to the keyboard of my laptop, but this keyboard becomes more and more broken. On this laptop keyboard, the menu can be called by pressing both the FN key and the F7 key, but there is no FN key on my external keyboard.

Are there any other possibilities to come to this menu? The best would be if I could invoke it via the external keyboard but as I said, this keyboard does not have such a key.

0Best Answer0 Votes

Just try the key "P" while holding down the "Windows"-key.

On my computer, using this shortcut, the monitor settings are displayed that are also displayed when clicking the original FN key.
2014-03-18 at 14:06

ReplyPositive Negative
00 Votes

You can also access these settings from the Control Panel.

Here you come to the menu via "Display" > "Connect to a projector".
2014-03-20 at 00:42

ReplyPositive Negative

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