Firefox stops whole computer while loading some websites
Question by Laura89 | 2013-09-01 at 17:35
For quite a long time, I am observing a strange behavior of my Firefox browser when loading some web pages. Some sites are loading completely normal and quickly while on other pages the following procedure is happening: first, the browser completely stops responding and just stands still, then the whole computer follows doing so, so that you cannot change the running programs or tabs of the browser or anything else. Even the task manager cannot be started anymore like any other function or application on the whole computer.
In addition, the computer seems to work hard at this time and is making loud noises and writing some data to disk. It sounds almost as if an entire folder is being rewritten on my hard drive.
Every time that is happening, I am scared because I think, I have caught a virus that is deleting my hard drive now. Sometimes I was just about to just pull the plug out of the machine.
But after some time (usually 30 s or 1 min), the computer starts again and everything works as before. Even on the page that has caused the problem, I can surf without any further delay. Also reloading the page is not leading to the problems mentioned above, unless you reboot the computer and then try to load the page again.
I have already tried some of those pages in other browsers, but both, Internet Explorer and Google Chrome do not have any problems displaying those websites.
Can anyone explain what is happening and what I can do to prevent this?
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Also on my computer, this behavior and this problem encounters from time to time. But I could not find any solution yet.
According to my observation, the problem arises mainly or perhaps only on sites with a new design, in which fonts are embedded using JavaScript. Perhaps, the Firefox browser is overwhelmed by this integration and the initial loading of the fonts (since it is working from the second time on). In other browsers, in which the same pages are loading reasonably, certainly, another algorithm is used internally. Perhaps an algorithm that better harmonizes with the hardware of your computer.
For a test case, I have partly completely disabled JavaScript and during this time, the problem has not encountered, but maybe this is only random.
In addition, I am on such a page at most only once a week, so that an analysis is always difficult.
2013-09-03 at 23:25