00 Votes

How can I add an icon to my website?

Question by Compi | 2012-02-20 at 19:49

Some websites seem to have icons. So little pictures, which will be shown for example in the tabs of the browser or in the favorites list. How can I add such an icon to my site? Or is the browser providing that?

2Best Answer2 Votes

These small icons for websites are called favicons. They should be present in the file format *.ico and best, they should be stored in the directory right under the domain, since many browsers are searching for the file there and under the name favicon.ico. Thus, they should be reachable, for example, with www.example.com/favicon.ico.

In addition, you should also add the following line to the head section of your page, referring to the favicon file:

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" />

The file favicon.ico should be a little picture with a size of 16x16 pixels, and can be created, for example, with the graphics program GIMP. In GIMP, you can easily create the image and then save it as ICO format. And already you have your favicon.
2012-02-21 at 18:39

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