00 Votes

How much is my car consuming?

Question by Guest | 2018-01-23 at 11:24

I would like to figure out how much fuel my car needs. Of course, this is not a problem with newer cars since extensive statistics can automatically be recorded and displayed via the on-board computer in them.

My car, however, has no consumption indicator, since it is already quite old. Can someone tell me how I can still find out how much gas or petrol my car consumes per 100 km or 100 miles?

1Best Answer1 Vote

Even if your car does not have a fuel consumption gauge, it is no problem to determine its fuel consumption.

You just have to fill up your fuel tank completely and then write down both the mileage (number of kilometers or miles traveled or covered) and the refueled liters. It is important that you start writing down only when you have already fully filled up before. Otherwise, the values are not meaningful.

Here is an example:

33,50455,57,35 l / 100 km
37,33512,67,28 l / 100 km
34,83478,57,27 l / 100 km

Now you can use the following formula to calculate how high your consumption is. All you have to do is to divide the liters by the kilometers and then take the result 100 times, as we are interested in the consumption for 100 km (the same applies when calculating for miles):


Here we have inserted the values from the first table line:

\[\frac{33,50 l}{455,5 km}*100=7,35 \frac{l}{100 km}\]

If we drive 455.5 kilometers with a full tank, and then fill up again and 33.5 liters go into the tank, we know that we needed 33.5 liters for the 455.5 km. For 1 km we would need 33.5 / 455.5 = 0.0735 liters and for 100 kilometers we can take the value 100 times and come to a consumption of 7.35 liters per 100 kilometers.
2018-01-23 at 23:29

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