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Do I need a comprehensive insurance for my old car?

Question by Guest | 2018-05-11 at 15:39

I drive an very ancient car, which is actually as good as scrap metal. In other words, repairing the old cart would not be worth it at all. If something breaks on the car, I would bring the car to the junkyard, the vehicle has been written off for a long time.

Now I'm wondering if under these circumstances I need a comprehensive insurance (partial or full collision damage insurance) at all, because in the case of damage anyway I really do not intend to repair the car. On the other hand, I feel weird to drive a car without insurance. What do you all mean?

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Depending on the country you are living in, you are never on the road completely without insurance, because the third-party vehicle insurance is required by law in lots of countries and you do not come around to insure your car to that effect.

The comprehensive insurance, however, is not a legal obligation and I think you can confidently go without it in your case. A fully comprehensive insurance is worthwhile anyway only for cars that still have a high value and as you said you would abandon the benefits of a partial insurance anyway.

Save the money for the insurance for your new car. Whenever a car is no longer worth repairing, a comprehensive insurance is usually superfluous.
2018-05-11 at 19:31

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