00 Votes

How much money does a German party get for one vote?

Question by Little Tree | 2018-04-23 at 21:48

In addition to donations and membership fees, parties in Germany also finance themselves with money from the state. This money depends on how many votes the respective party has received in a poll.

Does anybody know how much money that is? I would like to know how much money a party gets for a vote if someone elects it.

2Best Answer2 Votes

For each valid vote at the parliamentary elections (Bundestagswahl), the state legislature election (Landtagswahl) and the European elections (Europawahl), the parties receive one euro per vote. If a party gets more than 4 million votes, the party gets only one euro for the first 4 million votes, and 83 cents for all other voters.

In addition to these regulations, there are two caps: one party gets a maximum of 160 million euros per year and each party only gets as much money as by donations. For example, if a party were entitled to receive 2 million euros for the votes, but this party could collect only 1 million euros through donations, it will only get a maximum of 1 million euros from the state.
2018-04-24 at 16:32

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