00 Votes

How often should my car go for an oil change?

Question by Guest | 2012-12-08 at 20:16

Actually, how often must the engine oil be changed in my car? Are there certain rules of thumb?

Is it enough to wait for the next repair shop date or do I have to think about that for myself?

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Unfortunately, you can not answer this question in general, even though some people use the rule of thumb that you have to change the oil every 10,000 kilometers in older cars and every 15,000 kilometers in newer models.

The intervals for oil changes are highly dependent on your engine and the type of oil your engine needs. Additionally, your driving style and the application areas of your car (temperature, often long or short distances) plays a major role. The faster the oil is polluted, the faster an oil change is required.

It is best to rely on the intervals specified by the manufacturer of your car for exactly your model. In addition, usually, new cars have a display in the dashboard that shows you when an oil change is needed.

If you're in a reasonable car service station, they will remind you or they will carry out the oil change within the inspection when it is necessary.

The important thing is that you are performing an oil change regularly, because the motor can break when using old dirty oil. And the costs for a new engine are much more expensive than only for an oil change.
2012-12-11 at 11:25

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