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How to become a good parent?

Question by Chloe | 2019-09-10 at 10:09

Recently, children issue has been increasingly brought up. Meanwhile, how to be good parents is one of the most popular topic. Not only how to take care of your baby, but also how to teach him/her to be strong and kind. It generally concerns to lot of parents in the world.

1Best Answer1 Vote

That's a very broad question. So, I will also try to answer and that broad way.

What I can say is, that you should listen to yourself. Most parents know what is good for their childs automatically and intuitively.

You should not let you influence by each tip or trick you hear about education. Instead, you should be a constant in the life of your child. You should be there. There whenever your child needs you. You should stand behind your child. In every situation.

That are the most important things. All other things, disputes or other problems are normal and will occur, but will be no big think when the relationship between you and your child has a strong foundation.
2019-09-17 at 12:32

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Thank you. What you said is really helpful. When I grow up, my parents ask me to do something I don't like but they think it's good for me. They never listen to me. So I don't want to be that kind of parents.
2019-09-27 at 04:06

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00 Votes

May I ask you what you had to do, what you didn't want to?

Of course, sometimes parents must make decisions the children don't want. You cannot allow your children all they want, they also need some rules and borders.
2019-09-27 at 09:07

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