22 Votes

CSS: 100% width minus fixed number of pixels

Question by Compi | Last update on 2022-10-31 | Created on 2016-03-09

I have a DIV box in HTML which width should depend on the width of the parent element. However, not the entire width (100%) but a little smaller.

So, I need a CSS rule such as "width: 100% - 50px", what is not working of course. Unfortunately, I cannot work with 80% or something like that, because the margin should always have a fixed width.

Is there any possibility to solve this using CSS?

3Best Answer3 Votes

CSS3 is providing the new CSS function calc() exactly for this purpose. Using calc() you are able to calculate lengths using equations.

In your case, you can specify the following:

.mydiv {
   width: calc(100% - 50px);

All new and current browsers should support and understand that.

If you want, you can specify a fallback width for the older browsers before the calc-width, for example: .mydiv {width: 80%; width: calc(100% - 50px);}
Last update on 2022-10-31 | Created on 2016-03-09

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