00 Votes

How to recover Windows 7 password

Question by Facery | Last update on 2018-03-16 | Created on 2018-03-16

My kid changed the admin password of my computer and we lost access to it because my kid can't remember the password clearly. I have a lot of important documents on the computer so I am seeking a way to unlock it.

11 Vote

There are several ways you can do now to get your data back:

  • Admin Access: Do you have another user with administrator status on your computer? You can log in with this account and you are allowed to change all other passwords. Just go to the Control Panel > User Accounts > Change another account.
  • Linux Access: If you can take your hard drive out of your computer, you can connect this hard disk as additional external or internal drive to a Linux computer. When opening the drive from Linux, you can see your Windows installation as well as all of your files.
  • Password Reset Disk: Do you have created a password reset disk for your account? You can create it in the Control Panel > User Accounts > Create a password reset disk. When you have created such a disk, you can just boot your computer with that disk in.
  • Go the hard way: Described here.

I hope I could help you.
2018-03-16 at 11:20

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00 Votes

Do you have other accounts for your Windows 7, maybe you can get into your Windows 7 with it, otherwise, all you can do is to reinstall unless you know how to unlock the computer or bypass the login page.

I solved the problem last week ,

Source : https://www.passmoz.com/reset-windows-7-password.html
Last update on 2018-04-16 | Created on 2018-04-10

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