11 Vote

How to select a beauty style suitable for myself?

Question by Chloe | 2019-09-10 at 10:16

As we all know, most of the girls are always obsessed with beauty and fashion style. But how to select a suitable fashion style is not that easy. What are the main factors we should pay attention to?

2Best Answer2 Votes

That's a good question that can only be answered by yourself.

Just try different styles and your perfect personal style will find you. You will see, in which style you feel good. And which style is you.

No one can tell you. But you for yourself.
2019-09-12 at 15:50

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00 Votes

Thank you, dear. It's helps a lot. I am a BIG fan of comfort and cozy. So I guess this is my style.
2019-09-27 at 05:05

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11 Vote

There are many different beauty styles that are suitable for different people, so it really depends on what you're looking for in a style. You might want to try looking at styles that have been popular in the past, or styles that are more contemporary.
2022-11-22 at 07:44

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