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HTML: How to link to an email address?

Question by Guest | 2013-12-29 at 11:48

I do not do programming web pages so long and that is why I know so little about this and linking. However, I would like to add a link to my e-mail address on my homepage.

Once, I saw this on another website, but I do not know how this was implemented (I even do not know where I can call the HTML source code). In principle, it should be just a normal link, only that the e-mail program opens when you click on this link.

1Best Answer1 Vote

What you're looking for is the mailto construct that you can insert in the following way into your HTML-code:

<a href="mailto:info@example.com">LinkText</a>

So it's just a normal link, only that there is "mailto:" and your e-mail-adress instead of "http...". Of course, you can choose freely which text should be used. In the example, it is just "LinkText".

However, not all browsers are supporting the call of the e-mail program, so you should still specify your address at another point that is not only through this link.

Also, using mailto links is not without problems, since "open" mail addresses published around the Internet are often stolen. You should think about that.
2013-12-30 at 15:49

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