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If Africa is the Third World - Where is then the First and Second World?

Question by Guest | 2018-01-04 at 18:31

When speaking of Africa, people often speak about the so-called Third World, for example at school.

Theoretically, if Africa is called the third world, there should also be the First World and the Second World, right? However, I've never heard of those terms at school.

Where should the first and the second worlds be (if they exist) and where is the exact difference between these three "worlds"?

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The terms First World and Second World originally referred to the states that were in the East-West conflict of the Cold War. The First World included the US, Canada, Australia and Western Europe. Accordingly, to the Second World belonged Russia and the countries of the Eastern Bloc.

The "non-aligned" countries, which could not be assigned to either of the two blocs, were referred to as Third World. These are mainly the all the countries of Africa but also the countries of South America.

After the end of the Cold War, the term Third World was used and is until today usually used as a term or synonym for developing countries.
Last update on 2020-11-01 | Created on 2018-01-04

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