22 Votes

Is the German Bafög for free use?

Question by Guest | 2018-09-28 at 15:25

I will start studying next winter semester in Germany and I am considering if I should apply for Bafög, the German study loan. However, I am wondering whether I can spend the money I would get for whatever I want at my leisure or do I have to use it for study purposes only and possibly prove the use?

2Best Answer2 Votes

The money you get as Bafög can be used as you want.

The effort to check every student getting Bafög constantly would also be a bit severe for the Bafög office. Make the application as soon as you can, you can also informally do that by e-mail.

But remember that you also have to pay back the money after graduation. The repayment consists of 50% of the sum you will receive over the years and is limited to 10,000 euros.
2018-09-29 at 01:27

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