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Java: How to compare Strings correctly

Question by Guest | 2016-07-11 at 11:25

I am not doing Java programming for a long time and again and again I am encountering problems with a simple string comparison.

From other programming languages, I am used to just compare strings with the operator "==". The result is true if the strings are equal, false instead.

However, in Java, I have frequently observed a strange behavior with this comparison. Sometimes, it is working, sometimes not. Do I have to consider something else with this? How can I compare Java strings correctly if this is not the correct way?

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Yes, you have to take something into account. That is the difference between comparing with == and comparing with .equals().

  • With == you are checking for the same reference, that is for example that two variables are pointing to the same object.
  • With .equals() you are checking for the same value, that is for example whether two strings have the same content, independent from whether the object is also the same or not.

So, if you are in your case only interested in comparing the content or value of a string, you have to use .equals() instead of "==".

Your observation that "==" is sometimes working and sometimes not is probably because you have from time to time indeed compared strings having the same reference. However, if the string value is the same, but not the reference, the result of the == comparison was accordingly false.

Here is a small example demonstrating the difference:

String a = new String("abc");
String b = new String("abc");
String c = a;

if (a == b) {
  // FALSE because reference is not equal

if (a == c) {
  // TRUE because reference is the same

if (a.equals(b)) {
  // TRUE because content is the same

By the way, with .equals() you are always also checking for an identical uppercase and lowercase writing. If you do not want to consider the writing, you can use .equalsIgnoreCase() instead.
2016-07-11 at 17:29

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