00 Votes

JavaScript: Replace all occurrences of a string

Question by Chematik | 2012-06-07 at 22:15

I am trying to carry out a replacement in JavaScript using the following code:

str = "ababab";
str = str.replace("a","X");
// output: Xbabab

However, there is an error in my code! Only the first occurrence of "a" is replaced by "X". How can that be, what am I doing wrong?

22 Votes

If that's what you're doing, always only the first occurrence of the search string will be found and replaced. Try it this way:

str = str.replace(/a/g,"X");

With this solution, you are using a regular expression to perform the replacement. The pattern, in your case "a", is written between / and / and the g at the end means that we want to replace all occurrences.

To clarify it once again:

str = "abcd abcd abcd";
str = str.replace(/abc/g,"X");
alert(str); // output: Xd Xd Xd

In this example, it should be a little more clearly, what is searched for.
2012-06-07 at 22:38

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