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jQuery: Add Content to DIV

Question by Guest | 2015-07-19 at 14:40

In my HTML code, I have a simple DIV box, in which some content is arranged.

Now, I would like to add some new content at the bottom of the DIV dynamically - the present content of the DIV should remain untouched.

In other words, I am searching for a jQuery function, making it possible to add something to a DIV. Does someone know a method for this?

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You are searching for the function .append() available in jQuery. Here is a small example of how to use this function:

$("#mydiv").append("<p>New Content</p>");

Here, we are adding the new content "<p>New Content</p>" to the bottom of the DIV with the ID "mydiv". Of course, you can also pass a variable containing the new content to the function.
2015-07-19 at 15:26

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