22 Votes

Lazarus: Change Decimal Separator (Dot and Comma)

Question by Guest | Last update on 2021-07-07 | Created on 2014-12-12

Sometimes, I am writing floating-point numbers and numerical values having decimal places with a point, sometimes with a comma. So, for example 1.23 or 1,23.

However, Lazarus only seems to understand the separation with a dot, it is not accepting comma values as input.

How can I teach Lazarus to be able to work with the comma as decimal separator as well?

2Best Answer2 Votes

In Lazarus, there is the global variable or setting DefaultFormatSettings > DecimalSeparator. This is determining which character (char) is used as decimal separator.

It is possible to change the settings like that:

// point as decimal separator
DefaultFormatSettings.DecimalSeparator := '.';

// comma as decimal separator
DefaultFormatSettings.DecimalSeparator := ';';

// arbitrary character as decimal separator
DefaultFormatSettings.DecimalSeparator := '|';

Depending on which number input you are expecting, you can set the decimal separator with DecimalSeparator to a point, a comma or any other random character.

PS: Using DefaultFormatSettings.ThousandSeparator instead, you can change the character that is used as thousand separator between 3 numbers for better readability, if you want to change this, too.
Last update on 2021-07-07 | Created on 2014-12-14

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