00 Votes

Lazarus: Jump with Enter Key into next Row of StringGrid

Question by Guest | 2016-02-13 at 11:11

I am using the TStringGrid component in Lazarus and I have set the property Options -> goEditing to TRUE so that you are able to edit the content of the cells.

If you press the enter key in one of those cells, the focus is automatically jumping into the next cell. However, the focus is jumping to the next cell on the right and not into the next row or the next line below as expected.

How can I set that when the enter key is pressed during editing, it is jumped into the cell below the last cell instead of the cell on the right of it?

0Best Answer0 Votes

The StringGrid has the property AutoAdvance. The default of this property is aaRight which is resulting in your described behavior.

Set this property to aaDown to ensure that the cursor is jumping down instead of right.
2016-02-13 at 16:43

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