33 Votes

Lazarus: Open Folder in Explorer

Question by Guest | Last update on 2022-07-27 | Created on 2014-07-17

I would like to open a directory in the default Explorer respectively the file browser of the operating system using Lazarus. That is, for example opening the folder "C:\Example" in the Windows Explorer.

Is this possible independent from the operating system? When using Delphi, I have always worked with Windows-API commands. How is it possible in Lazarus?

5Best Answer7 Votes

You can just use the function OpenDocument from the Unit LCLIntf (do not forget to add LCLIntf to the USES-Section):


OpenDocument is able to open arbitrary files or directories independent from the operating system.

Internally, the specific functions necessary for the corresponding operating system are called by this function, but you do not have to care about that.

Addition: See this question for a Delphi solution.
Last update on 2022-07-27 | Created on 2014-07-17

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