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Windows Tip: Open Explorer with current directory from Command Prompt

Tip by NetGuy | 2013-04-24 at 14:22

Situation: We have opened the console (also well known as CMD, Command Line Interpreter or Command Prompt) in Windows in a specific directory and we would like to show this directory in Windows Explorer.

Solution: It's easy. You do not have to click through numbers of directories and sub directories to cumbersome find a deep folder. Just type "explorer ." into the console:

C:\Users\UserName>explorer .

Alternatively, also the following command can be used:

C:\Users\UserName>start .

Important: After the command "start" or "explorer", you have to type a space and then a dot. If you omit the space and the dot, you are opening the explorer in the default directory instead or you open another command line window with "start".

In the example, both command lead to open the directory "C:\Users\UserName in the Windows Explorer.


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