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Lazarus: Unit SHDocVw not available

Question by Guest | 2014-08-11 at 20:17

I would like to port some lines of code from Delphi to Lazarus and at the moment, I am failing because Lazarus does not know the unit SHDocVw I need.

Specifically, it concerns the types IShellWindows, IDispatch and IWebBrowser2 that are obviously defined in that unit.

My research has shown, that there is a DLL with the same name (shdocvw.dll) in the Windows directory C:\Windows\System32. Probably, this DLL is containing my required functions.

How is it possible to make those functions available also in Lazarus?

1Best Answer1 Vote

Go to the Lazarus menu "Packages > Install/Uninstall Packages" and install the package "LazActiveX" there. 

After that, in the menu "Tools > Import Type Library", you can find a function to integrate a Windows DLL.

When using this function, Lazarus is creating an input interface unit for the DLL (for example SHDocVw_1_1_TLB). If you include this unit into your project, IShellWindows, IDispatch, IWebBrowser2 and Co should be available.
2014-08-13 at 13:23

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