00 Votes

Letter Keys are typing Numbers - Keyboard broken?

Question by Guest | 2013-12-13 at 18:05

I hope that you do not think I'm totally stupid, but my keyboard is off his head (I have to write this post with my smartphone, as it is  no longer possible using my keyboard).

The problem is this: The left side of my keyboard is still working correctly like every day before, but however, to the buttons on the right side of my keyboard suddenly numbers were assigned and no longer the letters that can usually be found at this place.

For example, if pressing the U, a 4 is typed, the I is the 5, the O the 6, the 1 is on the K and the 3 on the L.

I despair! In this way, I can not work with my keyboard!

0Best Answer0 Votes

Sounds like you have activated the number block on the keyboard of your laptop. Just press the button "Num" that should be located on the top right of your keyboard, then everything should be fine.

The background of this is the following: On a normal sized keyboard you have the letters on the left side but also a number pad with numbers on the right side.

Since there is not such a separate number pad on the laptop keyboard, some of the letters are assigned doubly. When the keypad is activated (Num Lock is pressed, small LED light is on), a number pad in the middle of the keyboard is activated and it comes exactly to the behavior that you have observed. If pressing again the Num Lock Key, the keypad is deactivated and the keyboard works as always. 
2013-12-13 at 20:21

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