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LibreOffice/OpenOffice Calc: Count fields with a specific content

Question by Compi | 2020-04-30 at 22:53

I would like to find out the number of fields that have a certain content (for example all fields with a specific word or number). Is that possible with LibreOffice Calc?

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You can use the function COUNTIF() in both LibreOffice and OpenOffice for that. In the brackets, you write on the one hand the fields that should be taken into account for the counting and on the other hand the comparison value.

Here is how to use the function:


If you write "=COUNTIF(A1:A7;1)" into a field, all fields with the value 1 are counted in the fields A1 to A7 and the number is written as output.

This not only works with numbers, but also with text. For example:


This counts all fields with the content "abc" in the range A1 to B3. It is important to use quotation marks for characters or texts. This is not necessary for numerical values.
2020-05-01 at 09:09

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