Determine Word Frequencies of a Text
Tutorial by Stefan Trost | Last update on 2024-01-10 | Created on 2016-04-08
How you are able to determine the frequency of characters and letters from arbitrary texts using the program WordCreator, we have already described in the tutorial on the determination of letter frequencies of texts. In this tutorial, we want to answer the question how you are able to count the number and frequency of individual words from texts.
First, we open the WordCreator (available for Windows, macOS and Linux) in order to switch to the tab "Counter" at the top of the main window.
- We copy the text from which we want to count the word frequencies into the field "Input". Alternatively, we can also right-click on the text field and open a file with a text (CTRL+O) or drag text files from any folder onto the application.
- Then, we click on the button "Settings" under the two text fields. In the section "What should be counted", we select "Words".
- Last, we are click on the button "Count" and we will get the result of the counting in the field on the right.
In order to save the result as a file, we can right-click on the text field in which the result is displayed. In the context menu, we have several options for storing in different formats: The result of the count can be saved as a CSV file, as a text file (TXT), as HTML website, in the data interchange format (DIF) as well as a spreadsheet for Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice or LibreOffice in the formats XLSX or ODS. Of course, the result can also simply be copied into the clipboard or only viewed in the program.
Adjust Settings
You can invoke the settings for the counter via the menu or via the button "Settings". The options are distributed over the tabs "Counter" (general settings), "Counter Characters" (settings regarding the characters to be counted) and "Counter Output" (format, components and exclusion criteria of the output).
For the counting of words, it is recommended to activate the option "Combine uppercase and lowercase letters" so that variants of the same word written with uppercase or lowercase letters are not counted as two different words (for example "The" at the beginning of the sentence and "the" in the middle of a sentence). This option is activated by default. You can find the option on the tab "Counter Characters" under "Combinations of Letters".
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