00 Votes

Linux always opens 2 Windows

Question by Guest | 2014-01-21 at 19:15

My children have recommended to use Linux instead of Windows because of the computer viruses. Now I'm making my first experiences and all in all I am very happy with the new system.

Except for one small thing: I don't know why but all programs, applications and windows are opening twice when trying to open them. For example, when trying to open the writing program, two instances of the writing program are opening.

What can I do to prevent this? It's a bit awkward to always close one of the open windows immediately.

0Best Answer0 Votes

Because of your Windows experience, you are used to open files and applications with a double click.

However, on some Linux versions (distributions) it is enough to click once. So, I think that you have such a distribution and that is why the programs are opening twice (double click = two single clicks each opening the program or file).

On Ubuntu, for example, you can open files with a double click like on Windows, on Puppy Linux a single click is enough.
2014-01-21 at 21:11

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