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On AskingBox since 2012-01-10 | 5 Questions | 10 Articles | 30 Answers | 18 best Answers


Last Comments by NetGuy

You can use the apt tool for this. Just enter the following command into the terminal: ...

Question | Linux: Show all installed Packages

According to my experience, the reception in an apartment is not everywhere the same. For example, I have a better...

Question | Signal Boost from E to 3G

Even in Firebird you can perform an "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" INSERT. However, in Firebird the syntax is a bit...

Question | Firebird: INSERT with ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE

You do not need JavaScript to prevent users from zooming your responsive website. Just add "user-scalable=no" to your...

Question | Responsive Webdesign: User should not be allowed to zoom

There is a "LIMIT" in Firebird, but you have to use another syntax there. In Firebird, the keywords FIRST...

Question | Firebird: SELECT with LIMIT

Of course, nobody can really know what Google takes into account. However, I assume that msvalidate does not...

Question | Meaning of Meta Tag "msvalidate.01"