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Linux: Show hidden Folders and Files permanently

Question by Guest | 2016-06-22 at 18:09

Is there any possibility to show all hidden files and folders permanently on Linux? I am using Linux Ubuntu and the Explorer respectively file manager Nautilus.

In Windows, you can just use the folder options to do so. Is there any similar option also available in Linux? I mean that for each hit hidden file and hidden folder, there will be an icon displayed in Nautilus? For example, even if there is a dot at the beginning of the file name?

1Best Answer1 Vote

Whether hidden files and folders are displayed in Nautilus or not, can simply be determined via the settings and there is even a keyboard shortcut available for that.

  • You can use the key combination CTRL + H for showing or hiding hidden files.
  • In the menu "View > Show Hidden Files" you can enable or disable the display of hidden files.
  • In the menu "Edit > Preferences > Views > Show hidden and backup files", you can permanently set the checkbox for this option.

If you want to display the hidden files and folders permanently, you should use the permanent settings. However, in sake of completeness, I have also mentioned the short term keyboard shortcut.
2016-06-22 at 23:41

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