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May I copy privately at work?

Question by Guest | 2018-01-13 at 20:05

I have to copy some notices and invitations for my personal use. Since I do not have a copier at home, it makes sense for me, of course, to just copy the pages at work and to use the copying machine there.

Now I wonder if that is legally allowed and if I can use the corporate photocopier also for my private copies. After all, I do not want to get in trouble and maybe even risk my job with thit action. Does anyone know the legal situation for that case?

1Best Answer1 Vote

Even though many employees "misuse" the copier at their work privately, this is actually a theft in the legal sense. The employer has paid for the paper and the expensive toner and so you are not allowed to take it like you are not allowed to take other thinks or property from the company to your home.

So, you can really get in pretty big trouble when copying privately at work. Even if it is only a few pages.

Therefore, I do not recommend to copy secretly but to ask for permission. Depending on your company, there may also be different regulations. In some businesses, private copying is tolerated to some extent, in other companies you can pay for it or it is not allowed at all. But if you simply copy without an agreement, that's certainly not a good idea for you and your career.
2018-01-14 at 15:09

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