33 Votes

Keyboard Shortcut to copy a Series of Files

Tutorial by Stefan Trost | Last update on 2022-11-20 | Created on 2018-05-11

I have to copy the same list of files to a folder again and again. This is quite tedious, mainly because the files are stored in different places on my computer. Ideally, I would have a key combination or some kind of a hotkey, which I define once and then again and again the same action is carried out, when I press the corresponding keys. For example, CTRL + ALT + 1 to copy all of X predefined files to the currently open folder, or CTRL + ALT + 2 to copy another file list.

Answer: This is possible with the program FasterFiles. With FasterFiles, you can define arbitrary HotKeys and then assign any actions to them, including copying of multiple files.

  1. After starting FasterFiles, you can simply click on the button "New HotKey", enter your desired key combination and activate the option "The HotKey only has one Action List which will be executed immediately". With a click on "Save" you can then create the HotKey.
  2. Select the created HotKey from the list on the left. You can then click on the button "Add Action" and select the action "Copy File or Folder" from above.
  3. Now you can define in the settings a list of files and/or folders to be copied. You can simply drag the files onto the program from any folder for adding them. If you always want to copy to the current Windows Explorer window, you can keep the settings where the files should be copied as they are. Otherwise, other destinations can be defined here as well.
  4. Once all settings are set as you want, you can simply click on "Save", with which your defined key combination is active.

In addition to copying files, FasterFiles also offers many other actions that can be controlled the same way. You can also add multiple actions to one key combination.

Alternatively, you can also call up the action lists via a batch script, if you do not want to work using key combinations but with mouse clicks instead.


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