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VirtualBox: Copy Virtual Machine for using it multiple times independently

Question by Guest | 2014-12-15 at 17:14

I have set up a virtual machine using VirtualBox with an operating system and lots of configurations. Now, I would like to take this virtual machine as a basis or starting point for various applications.

Is it somehow possible to copy an entire virtual machine and then to operate the copies independently, for example, to install other programs on each copy independently from each other? That would be very handy, because the alternative would be to install everything again and again on different machines, which would be very time consuming.

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Just click with the right mouse button on your virtual machine in VirtualBox and select the option "Clone...".

If you follow the following instructions, you can make a copy of your virtual machine with a new name and you can do exactly what you have written.

You should select "Reinitialize the MAC address for all network cards" if you want to run the same copy parallel to the original at the same time. Set "Full clone" as type of your clone to ensure, that two different and independent hard drives are created for the virtual machines. When creating a "Linked clone" the same disk is used for both machines, which leads to dependencies between them.
2014-12-16 at 05:28

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