00 Votes

MySQL: Download database with phpMyAdmin

Question by Guest | 2012-07-07 at 16:37

I have a database on a server and as an interface, the online tool phpMyAdmin is available to me. Now, I have to download this database completely, to upload it on another server on which the database does not exist yet.

I am clicking for a while through phpMyAdmin by now, but somehow, I can not find the function I am looking for. Can someone help me?

2Best Answer2 Votes

You can do the following: Here is a step by step explanation for the English version of phpMyAdmin:

  • Start phpMyAdmin
  • Look on the left side to see whether a database is selected. If not, select the database that you would like to export.
  • Click "Export" in the top row of tabs.
  • Click on "Select All" in the upper left box in the field "Export". Underneath, you choose in the list "SQL". With this, you create a SQL export.
  • Look at the options. Activate there "DROP TABLE" and uncheck "AUTO_INCREMENT".
  • Under "Data", activate "Complete inserts".
  • If there is an option "Save as File", you activate this option.
  • Then click on "Go" and you will get a file with the extension .sql or a text that you can store in a file with the extension .sql store.

If you have done that, you can start on your other computer phpMyAdmin and go to the database where the tables should be stored. Then go to the tab "SQL" and select your file or copy the text that you got into the window. If you then click on "Go", the database will be created.

Attention! If you run this command in a database, which already contains the tables with the same names, these tables will be deleted without a warning! The best is, to run the command in an empty database, or if you are sure, that you no longer need the old tables!
2012-07-09 at 23:38

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