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MySQL: Whole Word Search

Question by Compi | 2016-06-08 at 23:22

I would like to search my MySQL database for whole words. That means, when searching for the keyword "the", I only want to get the records in which there is really occurring "the" as a whole and individual word.

Up to now, my approach was to work with LIKE '%keyword%'. However, in the case quite as mentioned above, I also got hits for "them" or "nevertheless" what I do not want.

Because of that, I gave LIKE ' %keyword% ' a try. The spaces at the beginning and at the end made that this query really only found data records in which my keyword occurred as a whole word. However, it came to problems at another point: records beginning or ending with the keyword was not found anymore, because they do not have a blank character at their start and end.

So, I came to the query SELECT * FROM tab WHERE col LIKE '% keyword %' OR col LIKE 'keyword %' OR col LIKE 'keyword %' OR col = 'keyword'. This leads to quite better results, but there was another problem: it was not working with punctuation. As soon as there was a point or a comma after the keyword, it was not working anymore.

Now I'm at my wits end. Does someone has any idea how I can solve this and how to cover all of this case is? I think, adding all possible combinations with all possible punctuation, would be too much.

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In your position, I would not work with LIKE. Instead, I recommend using a fulltext index or regular expressions.

If your decision is to work with a regular expression, a search for "keyword" could look like this:

WHERE col REGEXP '[[:<:]]keyword[[:>:]]'

The word boundary markers [[:<:]] and [[:>:]] are standing for the beginning respectively the end of a word. This can be spaces, special characters, punctuation or even the beginning or end of a string.

One disadvantage of REGEXP is the quite bad performance. So, in many cases it is better to use MySQL's fulltext search. For that, first you have to create a fulltext index over the column that you would like to search. After that, you can search for a whole word in the following way, for example:


Among other things, the fulltext search allows including or excluding words from the search using a + or - sign as a prefix for the word. Because of that, we are writing '+keyword' here.

Which variant you prefer of course depends on your purpose. If you carry out your query less often, creating a fulltext index probably makes no sense. However, if you are searching often in this way, I recommend the fulltext search because of the performance advantages.
2016-06-09 at 22:18

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