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Hidden Google Easter Eggs

Info by NetGuy | 2018-03-26 at 11:43

Easter Eggs are hidden features in programs that are not officially mentioned in the description. Even our popular search engine Google has to offer some of such hidden features that hardly anyone knows. Today I want to tell you a few of these features.

  • Enter "do a barrel roll" and everything turns around. The same goes for "z or r twice".
  • The searches for "tilt" and "askew" are displayed diagonally.
  • With the search for "zerg rush"  you open a fight for the search results. Small yellow and red O letters fall from the sky and begin to eat up the search results. Only you can defend it with your mouse! Zerg Rush goes back to the game Starcraft and describes the tactic to force the opponent by quantity instead of quality.
  • Another game hides behind the search term "atari breakout". If you search for this term and then click on the image search, you get a bat and a ball at the bottom of your window with which you can destroy the found images like building blocks.
  • In computer science, recursion is a function that calls itself. Googling for "recursion" is similar.
  • If you prefer googling in Klingon, you can use this Link.

If some of these Easter Eggs do not work for you, there are several reasons. First, it may be possible that Google has removed the function again. Other possible reasons I have put together in the article why Google Easter Eggs are not working.

As I know the developers of Google, these are not all easter eggs that are there and certainly there will be added new ones from time to time, too. So if you know other Google Easter Eggs or have other experiences, feel free to leave a comment.

00 Votes

It is also interesting to search for "number of horns on a unicorn" or "the answer to life the universe and everything" via Google.

Both are obviously constants in the calculator from Google. So even a result for "the answer to life the universe and everything + the number of horns on a unicorn" can be calculated by Google.
2018-03-26 at 20:13

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