11 Vote

No difference between HD and normal TV-Channel

Question by Guest | 2014-05-15 at 01:24

Finally, I have now bought a large LCD TV, as screen text has become so small in the TV program today that you can hardly even read anything using an old small screen.

Connecting the new TV was pretty easy. Actually, I just had to plug the scart cable coming from the receiver from the old TV to the new flat screen to make it working.

However, I was really disappointed about the image quality. Sure, the image is much larger than on my old CRT monitor, but it seems to me that it does not really take advantage of the full resolution that is possible. Especially when comparing normal TV channels and their high-definition counterparts, I can notice this. In both cases, the image is slightly blurred.

I really had expected from the new device, that it actually uses all pixels that are available (at least in the HD program, I know, that the normal TV program has not such a high resolution). After all, the device has indeed a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels.

Can anyone help me?

1Best Answer1 Vote

In order to really benefit from the high resolution image, several things must be fulfilled.

  • First, the TV must support the resolution (in your case with your 1920 x 1080 pixel device that is not a problem).
  • Next, the provided image must have an appropriate resolution (HD channels are providing this resolution, normal TV channels not - like you have already mentioned).
  • Finally, the system must not have any weak points, for example, all cables used must be capable of HD.

In your case, the third point, and thus the scart cable will be the weak point. You should use an HDMI cable instead, as a conventional scart cable can not transmit the amount of data that is required for HD (SCART is an old analog technology with lower bandwidth, HDMI is digital with a bigger bandwidth).
2014-05-15 at 17:36

ReplyPositive Negative
00 Votes

Thank you very much for this answer. I have exchanged the SCART cable with and HDMI cable and now it is all working like a charm.
2014-05-30 at 17:00

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