3234 Votes
70.284 Points


On AskingBox since 2012-02-17 | 11 Answers | 10 best Answers


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In XLSX format, a maximum of 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns (equivalent to column XFD) are possible. So, the cells...

Question | Excel: How many rows and columns are allowed?

You are searching for the so-called non-breaking space. If this kind...

Question | Word and OpenOffice: Prevent Line Breaks between Number and Unit

Yes. The non-breaking space has its own Unicode Code Point. Here is a small table: ...

Question | Unicode Code Point of Non Breaking Space

Using the current technology, the upper limit of 2.5-inch hard drives is at 2 TB of storage. There are larger...

Question | Largest 2.5 Inch Hard Disk

There are three different possibilities how to create a non-breaking...

Question | OpenOffice: Insert non breaking space

Be glad that today's manufacturers are still thinking of the old ports. I prefer having one more connector I am not...

Question | Why does my HD-TV still have a SCART-Connection?