22 Votes

Olympic Games: How many disciplines are there?

Question by Guest | Last update on 2022-04-08 | Created on 2017-09-29

I am just wondering how many different sports, events or disciplines there are really at the Olympics. It seems as if there are thousands of competitions, there is just one competition happening after the other.

Has anyone counted all of the different sports yet? How many Olympic events are there at Olympia?

2Best Answer2 Votes

The exact number of disciplines (competitions) may vary from year to year. However, it tends to become more each year:

  • At the last Summer Olympic Games 2021 in Tokyo (Japan), there were 339 disciplines in 33 sports.
  • In 2016 at the Olympic Summer Games in Rio (Brazil) there were only 306 different disciplines in 28 sports.
  • In 2012, at the Olympic Summer Games in London (England), there were 302 disciplines in 26 sports.
  • Apart from that, at the first Olympic Games of the modern times, 1896 in Athens, there were only 43 disciplines in 9 sports.

The most contests are in athletics. There are currently 48 athletic competitions. Even in 1896, there were already 12 out of the 43 disciplines from the athletics.
Last update on 2022-04-08 | Created on 2017-09-30

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