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OpenOffice: First Page without Footer/Numbering

Question by Mopsi99 | 2015-02-10 at 22:03

I have inserted a footer containing the page numbering into one of my Open Office Writer documents (ODT format).

This works great, but I do not want to show a page number on my first page (title page).

Is it somehow possible to remove or delete the footer from the first page of the document? Each time I have tried this, the footers on all pages of the document were deleted.

In some of the text processing programs such as Word, there is a function like "First page without number", but unfortunately, I could not find something similar in OpenOffice.

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Just as it is with text sections, you can also assign each page of a document a specific stylesheet or template (in this case, it is called page style). Such a page style can contain a footer or not.

Therefore, you have to care about having a page style without footer for you first page and having a page style containing a footer for the other pages. You can do that with the following those steps:

  1. Open the Styles (press F11 or go into the menu "Format > Styles and Formatting").
  2. In the top of the Styles and Formatting Window, you can find an icon to open the "Page Styles".
  3. Now you can see a list of your current page styles. We are interested in "Default" and "First Page" here. The page style "Default" contains a footer, the page style "First Page" does not.
  4. Click on a page of your document and after that double-click on the page style in order to assign the style to that page. Your first page on which no footer should be displayed should now stand on "First Page", the other pages should be "Default".

If you right click on one of the page styles, you can additionally change and just the settings and properties of that page - for example whether the footer should be displayed on the corresponding pages are not. Additionally, it is possible to create and assign custom page styles according your own wishes.

The page style of a page is also shown in the status bar down left in the main window when a page is selected. If you click on this display, you will also get a context menu containing the page styles in which you can assign one.
2015-02-12 at 20:57

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