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RTF: Insert Page X of Y into the Footer

Question by Filer | Last update on 2021-07-01 | Created on 2015-08-25

I am trying to create an RTF document manually. What is missing, is some information about page number on each page within the footer of the RTF.

I would like to see something like "Page X of Y" within the footer. But how is it possible to get the information about the current page number and how many pages there are at all in my document? Is there any placeholder or something like that available in the RTF format?

2Best Answer2 Votes

You can get the current page number by using the following control word:


In order to retrieve the number of pages of the entire document, you can use the following:

{\field{\*\fldinst NUMPAGES }}

With combining both methods, your footer definition can look like that:

{\footer\pard\qc page \chpgn of 
{\field{\*\fldinst NUMPAGES }}\par}

This is writing a centered text into your footer, for example "page 1 of 3".
Last update on 2021-07-01 | Created on 2015-08-26

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