77 Votes

Opposite of Fan

Question by Guest | Last update on 2023-11-23 | Created on 2016-09-28

I am just in the process of writing my first novel. Unfortunately, I am already coming to my literary limits on the first pages.

In fact, I am searching for a word expressing the opposite of "fan". How do you refer to human beings that are not a fan of something? Please help me, otherwise I can never finish my story!

11 Vote

The origin of "fan" is to be a fanatic respectively being fanatical. The opposite would be if someone is not fanatic. And in my opinion, actually this would be a quite normal and balanced man. Or you would say "I am not a fan of this".

So, I think, you are either a fan of some thing or you are just not a fan.
2016-09-29 at 09:53

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5Best Answer5 Votes

As far as I know, there is no clear expression for that. Finally, there are three possible states with which you can relate for example to a band:

  1. You are fan of the band and you just like or even idolize the band (perhaps you are even part of a fan club).
  2. Your relation to the band is indifferent, the band is not a matter for you.
  3. You are an opponent of the band and you think that all of what the band is doing or playing is terrible, perhaps you are even actively running campaigns against the band (for example in online forums).

For the last category, the word "hater" would fit. For the middle category some kind of expression is needless, because the person is in no relation to the band.
Last update on 2023-11-23 | Created on 2016-09-29

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00 Votes

What about “anti-fan” then?

Or would that just be another expression for “hater”?
2023-09-29 at 22:51

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00 Votes

It could certainly be understood that way, perhaps even in a more all-encompassing way.

"Anti" means “against”, “not” or “opposing attitude”. In other words, you would no longer be neutral but perhaps even consciously against not only the band but also against other fans. In my opinion, this component would be included in "anti-fan", but not necessarily in "hater".
2023-09-30 at 20:43

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00 Votes

Thanks. And what could be the antonym for "groupie"?

The only antonym I can think of is "non-groupie" when referring to a person who doesn't care about the band.
2023-11-19 at 23:54

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00 Votes

Well, of course you can always put "non" or "not" first.

Another word would be "uninterested". Namely, in contrast to dealing with a "fan", I find that when speaking about a "groupie" there is more the interest in the foreground, which means that this word could definitely be used as an antonym.
2023-11-20 at 08:23

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