00 Votes

Star Trek and Star Wars - What exactly is the difference?

Question by Guest | 2016-09-29 at 13:40

My boyfriend is a big fan of Star Trek or Star Wars (I don't know). Recently, I had to see a film with him - that was the time I let the cat out of the bag and I told him that I even do not know the difference.

He and some of his colleagues reacted with total stupefaction when it emerged that up to this point of time, I thought that Star Trek and Star Wars would be the same.

However, in this mood no one wanted to give me an answer. Is there any kind fan out there not leaving me in the rain and giving me some information?

2Best Answer2 Votes

The only thing Star Trek and Star Wars have in common is that both are US-American science fiction formats, both having a huge fan community. You are either a Star Wars or a Star Trek fan - mutually, those two camps barely or even not like each other.

Star Trek first was a series, by now there are 726 episodes. Later, 11 Star Trek cinema movies were added. Star Wars was not developed out of a series, up to now there are seven cinema movies.

Star Trek plays in the future after the third world war and contains much new technology (Warp Drive) and social criticism (politics, war, peace, federation, overcoming the money).

Apart from that, in Star Wars rather the entertainment factor comes first. It is all about power, force, heroism and the battle between good and evil. The good Jedi Knights are fighting against the bad Sith using their lightsabers. Therefore, Star Wars is something like a medieval tale played with more technology.

Depending on which kind of story you like most, you will probably rather become a Star Trek or a Star Wars fan.
2016-09-29 at 21:20

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