00 Votes

PHP: Catch empty MySQL result

Question by Guest | 2012-11-22 at 17:20

In one of my PHP scripts, it may happen that the result of a MySQL query is empty.

Silly, if then the script just keeps running. Therefore, I would like to know - before outputting the data - if my MySQL result delivers an empty set or data is available. How can I implement it?

1Best Answer1 Vote

You can simply use the function mysqli_num_rows(). This function returns the number of records (rows) containing your result:

$res = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM tab WHERE id > 80");
if (mysqli_num_rows($res) == 0) {
  echo 'There were no matches.';
} else {
  // output data

In this way, you can design your code, to show the user, if there were no hits.
Last update on 2020-09-15 | Created on 2012-11-24

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