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PHP: Only MOD-Operator? How to do DIV in PHP?

Question by Guest | 2014-03-04 at 06:42

Up to now, in PHP, I only know the Modulo-Operator % to get the rest of a division (12 % 10 = 2). In other programming languages, this operator is usually called MOD.

However, in other programming languages there is also a DIV-Operator available returning the integer before the decimal point. This operator is just cutting off the fractional digits (12 DIV 10 = 1).

In PHP, I have not found this operator yet. Is there one?

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As far as I know, in PHP there is no explicit DIV-Operator available which you can easily write as one character in code like %. Instead, you can use the function floor():

$a = floor(12/10);
echo $a; // 1

The PHP function floor() crops the digits behind the decimal point. 12 divided by 10 are 1.2 - with cutting off the places behind the decimal point the 1 remains - and this is the integer before the decimal point that you wanted.

You can get similar results by rounding a number in PHP.
2014-03-05 at 12:00

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You could also use the PHP function bcdiv for your purpose.

This function takes three parameters:

  1. Left operand as string
  2. Right operand as string
  3. Number of decimal places for the result

To reflect the conventional DIV, you can write:

echo bcdiv('12', '10', 0);  // 1
echo bcdiv('12', '10', 2);  // 1.20

So, for bcdiv('12', '10', 0), the function is behaving like the DIV operator. If you are passing another value instead of 0 as a third parameter, another number of outputted decimal places can be triggered.
2014-04-24 at 16:36

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