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Relationship without affection? Is that normal?

Question by Guest | 2018-10-01 at 07:00

I have been in a relationship for 2 years and over time my partner's affection and fondness has become less and less. Until it almost completely stopped at the end. However, I like it so much, that hugging, kissing or just being petted. I do not know how he can stand it without it. Every time I talk to him about it, he reacts totally annoyed, so I do not dare to do it anymore.

Is such behavior normal? Are all guys so hostile to affection or only in longer relationships?

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It always depends on the individual, there are people with a strong need for affection and, in turn, others with less or no need for it. Every person can be completely different.

If it makes you so unhappy and sad, just talk to him and show him that it bothers you.
2018-10-01 at 13:18

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